Heritage Works: The Old Hall

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In 2008, Heritage Works undertook an options appraisal study of The Old Hall.The scope of the study included:

  • Assessment of the condition, repair needs and structural integrity of the building.
  • Research into the history of the building to assess its historic significance.
  • Exploration of end uses through consultation with the local authority, stakeholders and the valuation adviser.
  • Development of sketch schemes for potential re-use.
  • Identification of costs for the repair of the building and for each of the conversion options, including non-construction costs associated with delivery.
  • Preparation of end values for each option, by a local valuation agent.
  • Assessment of the conservation deficit of each option.
  • Exploration of funding sources.
  • Identification of opportunities for community engagement and training projects.
  • Collation of all the appraisal information together in a comprehensive report.