Sandbach Official Guide (1st Ed) (1933)

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This little handbook has been published (a) to furnish information to the outside world as to Sandbach’s local industries; (b) to advertise its splendid facilities for the encouragement of further industries by offering ideal sites for new factories; (c) to emphasize the unusual residential amenities of the place, and (d) to provide in handy form a popular account of the story of the town from remote times to the present and point out the principal features of interest to the visitor, who can carry away the book as a souvenir.

(a) Introduction (b) Situation and Accessibility (c) Historical Note (d) The Town To-day (e) The Ancient Crosses (f) The Parish Church (g) Other Places of Worship (h) Public Buildings (i) Educational Facilities (j) Public Library (k) Sports and Pastimes (l) Clubs and Societies (m) Local Industries (n) Sandbach and District (o) Industrial Development Committee (p) Public Services-Gas and Electricity (q) Useful Facts and Figures (r) Motor Tours from Sandbach (s) Notes on Some Local Firms (t) Outline Plan of Sandbach (u) Road and Railway Map of the District (v) Classified List of Advertisers